Making a speaker out of something like a paper plate, and then hearing it play music from your ipod is a life changing experience, as hopefully you can tell from the pictures above. If you use something even more exciting like a hat as your speaker, people start passing out from the awesomeness.
Here’s how it’s done.
1. Using coated wire, make a small coil, and strip the ends.
2. Tape the coil to something light and stiff. Cups, stryofoam, and cardboard all work well.
3. Take the + and - output wires from a stereo amplifier and connect them to your wire coil. I recommend you add some resistance to the circuit to protect your amplifier.
4. Connect your ipod to your stereo input.
5. Hold a strong magnet behind the coil and speaker.
6. Revel in the scientific splendor.
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